Saturday, August 16, 2008

You Re Able To Sit Down, Take Your Time And Read What Each Credit Card Is About

Category: Finance, Credit.

As a university student looking for a credit card, everything is going to be foreign to you at first.

The best thing about applying for a card on the internet is that you re able to read all of the terms and conditions before applying without having someone breathing down your neck while getting that free shirt. Don t worry, it happens to all of us. By now, you ve probably noticed those pesky credit card tents set up on your campus. The World loves free things and this is exactly why these types of systems work. It s quite simple, you sign up and the companies either supply you with a free dinner or an extra large hat that you ll never wear. Let s look at the disadvantages of applying for a credit card for that free t- shirt.

You re going to feel rushed when filling out the application and sometimes, you won t even know the Annual Percentage Rate, which is a horrible thing. When applying, you re not going to be able to know exactly what you re applying for. The nice thing about applying on the internet is that you re able to have choice. So if you re looking for a student credit card, you re able to find a website designed for that niche. Instead of having one credit card company pushing one credit card, you can target a specific group of credit cards. From there, you ll be able to browse each and every card carrier such as MasterCard, etc, VISA.

You re able to sit down, take your time and read what each credit card is about. The great thing about applying online is that you actually have a decision. Every credit card out there offers many rewards such as gasoline rewards, and so much, hotel rewards more. Most of the times you won t receive these rewards if you have horrible credit. Just because you re a college student, this doesn t mean you re going to get these rewards. When you think of the kiosks, you can t really think of perks besides getting that t- shirt.

You re not going to be able to read the terms and they always supply you with a t- shirt that doesn t even fit. Let s face it. So the question is, is it worth it in the end? Further down the road when you have established credit and you know what credit cards are all about then maybe that free hat or t- shirt won t be a horrible idea after all. When applying for your first credit card, especially when you re a student, it s very important that you do your research and find what you re getting yourself into. In the meantime, it s very important that you take the time to either do your research online or ask around your family and friends. This way you ll know exactly what your credit card is all about and you ll feel good in the long run knowing you ve applied for a card that will actually come to good use!

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