Sunday, August 24, 2008

What Is Financial Independence

Category: Finance, Credit.

Are you always running short of your funds?

Do you get to pay your bills on time? Do you still have to borrow money sometimes to at least live comfortably? If you answered mostly yes, then you are in danger of being financially unstable. Dont go sulking out there! You cannot afford the things you want and sometimes, even the things you need. You better move your body.

You have to be financially independent. If such is the case, better tell yourself that you cannot afford to be that way always. What is financial independence? There are 7 ways or habits for you to follow to gain financial independence. Financial independence is the capability to determine and support yourself through your own endeavors. With the right attitude and the proper goal in mind, you might just find yourself beaming with pride because of your achievement. Start with a vision.

Keep a focused vision. What is your vision for your life? You want financial independence. Where are you definitely heading? You want to be able to stand on your own and have a more stable and secured life, for yourself and for your family. Hold on to it as you start to realize that vision. Keep that vision in mind.

The choices and decisions you will make in the future will have to head to the direction of your goal. Invest your money wisely. Return to that vision when things get doubtful or tough. Generate income. This will basically come from your jobs income, but dont settle with that. Your income will be the financial foundation of your vision. Aim to increase your income.

Start a business that you feel passionately about and make sure it will work. Invest your time, money and effort into a beneficial enterprise. Think carefully of every detail in your enterprise and work on it. Aim for excellence, quality and integrity to succeed. Do not settle with good enough results. Save up. Allot a percentage of your present income to savings.

Start a fund for your future. Do this at the start of each month, before you go ahead. It will also teach you how to properly budget your money for necessary expenses. This will avoid the enticement to buy, buy, buy. Money in the bank could also earn interest. Just make sure you maintain the money in your savings account.

Although it is not considerable compared to a good investment, it is still a good way to keep money for your future. Avoid touching it unless it is really necessary. Every single cent matters. Give value also to your coins. All of those scattered coins you have there could comprise a few dollars. Spend wisely.

Even if it is considerably small amount, it will still find some use for that. Dont spend all your earnings. Buy only things that you really need. As they say, dont earn to spend. Tighten those belts for now as you bank for a more secured future. Forget the need to show off on other people that you can afford. Choose to live simply.

If you want achieve financial independence, you must hold on to your money as much as possible. Take control of your finances as much as possible. Avoid incurring debts as much as possible. Credit cards for example could hold you locked in a desperate state. Make ends meet in the meantime for later on in life, you will surely afford to be leisurely. You could be getting what you want now through that credit card, but imagine yourself giving the bulk of your income for interest payments!

Keep contingency plans. Have contingencies. You must plan ahead for events in the future. Make certain that your financial assets are secured. Insure your life, even your loved, health and property ones. At this phase, it is a good option to get an insurance policy. Protect your interests whenever you enter into any engagement.

This way, you will have optimal performance and desirable results. Make sure that your endeavor is legal, that you are financially capable, and that it is feasible within your means. You could prevent harmful losses in the long run. Health is wealth. Take care of yourself. The only way for you to achieve your dreams and be able to stand on your own is when you are physically and psychologically able to do so.

Have a healthy diet. Have regular check ups with your physician. Exercise Regularly. Only a good physical standing would allow you to enjoy the fruits of your toils today. Health will be your asset to achieve financial independence. Be Unstoppable.

Do not let yourself be distracted by whimsical desires. You must keep yourself focused to achieve the goal of being financially independent. Do not spray. Every cent and every minute counts as what you do today will have a lot to say on what you will have in the future. Do not procrastinate. Take advantage of every opportunity that will come your way.

Tell yourself, you will not be a loser in this game. Keep yourself confident. You have to make it!


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