Tuesday, August 26, 2008

You Could Easily Be Tempted To Use Your Credit Cards

Category: Finance, Credit.

Utilizing your home equity is a great way for consolidating your debts and handling your finances appropriately. This will lower the money paid by you every month for your debt.

By shifting your debts to one particular low interest loan from several high interest credit cards, vast amounts of money can be saved by you. Worrying about just one payment each month by consolidating with your home equity loan will be extremely beneficial for you. You may end up paying more interest over the entire loan. Still, you should know three vital things prior to taking a home equity loan even if consolidating it is an excellent idea. Credit card interest rate is higher than the rate of interest for home equity loan, so in 30 years small interest may sum up to a lot more amount than the interest for a long- term home equity loan. You may end up losing your home. Therefore, paying off in record time the home equity loan by using the extra money saved by you each month is a wise thing to do.

Although it does not happen always but there are possibilities. For example, if you lose your job or you re going through some financial constraint for which you miss one or two payments for your home equity loan then your house could be in danger. For missing your payments a mortgage lender may take your house but the credit card company cannot. You could easily be tempted to use your credit cards. On should not think that purchases made by you on the credit card are not being paid by you just because you owe no debt to the credit card company. When there is a zero balance in your credit card statement using your credit card can be tempting for you. Don t repeat mistakes of adding up money to your credit card.

This might lead to paying off a bunch of high interest debts in addition to the consolidation loan for your home equity.


What Are The Perks For This Credit Card - Harriet Vina's Finance and Credit blog:

Choosing a student credit card is often a burdensome process. But the Chase Student Flexible Rewards Card takes much of the guess work out of the process.

Get Rid Of All Errors On Your Credit Report - Finance and Credit Articles:

With so much information you receive and all the astonishing offers to fix your spoiled credit, it is almost impossible to believe that almost 80% of problems can be easily solved by only focusing on a particular part of a credit report. Here you can find the description of three major credit problems and the fastest way to get rid of them.

There Are Different Fees For This Loan Type - Jaclyn Padillo about Finance and Credit:

You can get the money you need to pay your bills or shopping overnight if you need cash fast.

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