Saturday, August 30, 2008

Revolving Debt And Credit Card Balances Continue To Soar

Category: Finance, Credit.

Revolving debt and credit card balances continue to soar.

While the burden of working with multiple creditors and trying to keep up with monthly principle and interest requirements can be challenging, there are some options for borrowers. More and more consumers are finding themselves in dire situations, dealing with debt that is out of control and fiscally unmanageable. Many borrowers turn to debt consolidation in order to reduce the burden they face from their debt. Secured loans or homeowner loans are commonly used for debt consolidation purposes. Debt consolidation loans are a way for borrowers to cut down on the number of creditors they owe, while potentially saving money on interest and reducing monthly credit payments. Secured loans are those obtained by offering property as collateral to the lender in the event of non- repayment of the debt obligation.

If the borrower fails to repay their debt, the creditor has a right to claim repossession of the collateral property. Most lenders offer their best rates and terms on secured loans because their risk is lower. By reducing the risk to the lender, most borrowers can get higher loan amounts at better rates. There are many benefits to this arrangement. This allows struggling borrowers to potentially payoff of multiple, higher interest rate credit balances with one, lower interest rate loan. The borrower can pay off multiple creditors while taking on one bigger loan. This leads to reduce interest over the life of the loan and lowers monthly payment obligations.

They could trade in several higher rate balances for a homeowner or secured loan that offers much better interest terms. For many people, the psychological benefits of reducing their number of creditors are great as well. One of the results of increased consumer debt has been rapid expansion of lenders dealing with bad credit and looking to take advantage of desperate borrowers. Borrowers do need to be careful when exploring debt consolidation options. Borrowers need to be careful about offers that do not seem sensible. Prepayment penalties are sometimes used with certain types of debt consolidation loans. It is also important to fully evaluate and understand all terms and rates associated with a particular loan.

Ultimately, if a borrower can lower their monthly debt payment obligations, they can use extra money to pay off principle balances sooner. This leads to lower interest paid over time and helps the borrower to pay off the debt balance more quickly than planned.


Parents Should Also Avoid Bailing Kids Out To Teach Them Make Choice And Spend Money Wisely - Catalina Favero's Finance and Credit blog:

From the early childhood on, we try to teach our children the basic knowledge for adult life- how to keep room in order, how to eat healthily, how to communicate with people. Toy manufacturers present Barbie shopping kit including credit cards, play Visa card with an electronic" pod" for storage of financial data, new versions of Monopoly with a credit card and many more.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Some Debt Collectors Will Hunt You Down Until You Pay Up

Category: Finance, Credit.

Did you lose your job?

Are you being forced to endure any other cause of financial burden due to your loss of income? Have you suffered some form of medical emergency? You are not alone. Miss a single or a few payments and you can expect a not- so friendly call from a debt collector. Millions of people have to face the accumulation of debt that they cannot pay. Receiving such a call at your workplace can be quite inappropriate and worst of all, utterly humiliating.

Debt collectors are generally compassionate to individual situations on a personal level, but they have to disengage themselves from this level to focus on what their job entails. Some debt collectors will hunt you down until you pay up. It is no surprise that anyone who is deep in debt fears the rather ambitious debt collectors. Their commission is based on the acquired payment amount. Frequently, debt collectors are rewarded for successfully collecting debt payments. Consequently, the greater payment collected. Rights of a Debt Collector.

The greater their reward. It is legal for debt collectors to contact you by phone, mail, fax, telegram and in person. They should not be contacting you before 8am or after 9pm unless you have clearly given them permission to do so. They may contact you at home and in your workplace, but are restricted to if they are informed that your employer prohibits it. Unless you don t have one, debt collectors should be contacting your attorney. They are allowed to obtain your telephone number, or address from, place of employment anyone. Debt collectors are also allowed to find out necessary information about you through other people.

However, they are normally not permitted to divulge confidential information to these people, such as the fact that you owe them money. I Want Them to Stop Contacting Me! Debt collectors are allowed to contact these people only once. You can choose not to be contacted further by debt collectors, whether you owe money or not. They may then get in touch with you one last time to state that they will no longer contact you, or to explain the appropriate actions that may be taken against you. This can be achieved by writing them a letter informing them that you no longer want them to contact you. Putting an end to these exasperating calls will not automatically settle your debt payments.

Your Rights Against Harassment. If you firmly believe that the debt has already been cleared or you do not owe them money, make sure to state it clearly in your letter. Consumers are protected by the Fair Debt Collection policy implemented by the FTC( Federal Trade Commission) . Debt collectors are prohibited from harassing individuals. Knowing your rights will keep even the most determined debt collector at a distance. They are not allowed to abuse, nor oppress you or anyone they might be able to use in order to get to you. Debt collectors who are falsely representing themselves are breaking the law.

Harassment generally includes the use of obscene language, non- stop calling or threats of violence. They should not misrepresent themselves as government agents or attorneys. If they are not sending any legal documents, they should not indicate that they are. They cannot say they are representing a credit bureau if that isn t the actual case. They may not accuse you of crime if you did not commit a crime. If you would like to know more about your rights, you can get all the information you need from the FTC.

Additionally, unless they have been legally instructed to, they are not allowed to seize property, nor imply legal, withhold your income action to be taken against you. If you would like to report an agent, this can also be done by contacting the FTC, or your state s Attorney General. Furthermore, if what they are doing is illegal then you have every right to sue.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Debt Consolidation Is The Easiest And Best Option To Get Out Of The Debt

Category: Finance, Credit.

Debt consolidation is a great hand- out for people swimming in the ocean of debt.

To accommodate expenditure of all the loans and making at least minimum payments out of the limited income is a great challenge and causes great agony to many people. Modern life has increased the comforts and also debts of an individual multiple times, making it necessary to keep maximum number of credit cards, consumer loan and, outstanding home loan car loan. Debt consolidation is the easiest and best option to get out of the debt. Debt consolidation brings back the lost smile in the face of a person who is suffering from bad credit. Debt consolidation paves the way to pay off small loans from a bigger loan. The people who chose debt consolidation also seek happiness in their lives.

In debt consolidation one single payment of loan eases the burden of complex multiple payments of various loans. Debt consolidation lifts the heavy burden of debt from the shoulders of the individual and brings back happiness and peace. In the contemporary society, an individual has to make payments to multiple creditors every month. But, if a person has to make multiple payments, then it becomes difficult to remember and hence the person may get bad credit history. Making a single payment is not that much strenuous as remembering the due date and making the payment can be done easily. So, for appropriate financial management, they can depend on debt consolidation process. Second mortgage, also called as Home equity loan is the most widely accepted and popular kind of debt consolidation loan available in the market today.

Debt consolidation also reduces the amount paid as interest considerably as the interest is paid only on a single loan and also the rate of interest is always less when compared to personal or credit card loans. Mortgage demands prompt repayment and when the payment is not made on time the borrower gets a bad credit. Here, the lender provides money on the basis of one s credit history. On the other hand, credit card loans come under unsecured loans. So, to cover the risk, the rate of interest is generally kept higher than the other loans. In personal loans, a considerable amount has to be paid every month towards repayment and also the tenure will be short.

The special feature of debt consolidation is the low monthly payments and long tenure which is not available in smaller loans. Also, dealing with a single creditor is quiet trouble- free and this also clear communication is possible in case of grievances or issues with the creditor. All that is required is to make a single call to the creditor to solve any matter that may require immediate attention. Also, one can always avoid default and misunderstanding with proper communiqu�. Even you can claim tax exemptions from some type of mortgages whereas a credit card or personal loan cannot offer this benefit to the borrowers. But, the benefits of consolidated loans vary from one individual to other and are not equal for all.

Taking a consolidated loan is an easy load to shoulder compared to complex handling procedures of multiple loans. So, a realistic analysis of tangible benefits is important to decide the amount of advantage one will get from the debt consolidation process.


Filing For Bankruptcy Is Not The End Of The World - Finance and Credit Articles:

Bankruptcy is a federal court process designed to help consumers and businesses eliminate their debts or repay them under the protection of the bankruptcy court.

Many Of You Face Credit Card Fraud Out There In The World And In Random Places - Lena Stearn's Finance and Credit blog:

Many of you face credit card fraud out there in the world and in random places.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

You Could Easily Be Tempted To Use Your Credit Cards

Category: Finance, Credit.

Utilizing your home equity is a great way for consolidating your debts and handling your finances appropriately. This will lower the money paid by you every month for your debt.

By shifting your debts to one particular low interest loan from several high interest credit cards, vast amounts of money can be saved by you. Worrying about just one payment each month by consolidating with your home equity loan will be extremely beneficial for you. You may end up paying more interest over the entire loan. Still, you should know three vital things prior to taking a home equity loan even if consolidating it is an excellent idea. Credit card interest rate is higher than the rate of interest for home equity loan, so in 30 years small interest may sum up to a lot more amount than the interest for a long- term home equity loan. You may end up losing your home. Therefore, paying off in record time the home equity loan by using the extra money saved by you each month is a wise thing to do.

Although it does not happen always but there are possibilities. For example, if you lose your job or you re going through some financial constraint for which you miss one or two payments for your home equity loan then your house could be in danger. For missing your payments a mortgage lender may take your house but the credit card company cannot. You could easily be tempted to use your credit cards. On should not think that purchases made by you on the credit card are not being paid by you just because you owe no debt to the credit card company. When there is a zero balance in your credit card statement using your credit card can be tempting for you. Don t repeat mistakes of adding up money to your credit card.

This might lead to paying off a bunch of high interest debts in addition to the consolidation loan for your home equity.


What Are The Perks For This Credit Card - Harriet Vina's Finance and Credit blog:

Choosing a student credit card is often a burdensome process. But the Chase Student Flexible Rewards Card takes much of the guess work out of the process.

Get Rid Of All Errors On Your Credit Report - Finance and Credit Articles:

With so much information you receive and all the astonishing offers to fix your spoiled credit, it is almost impossible to believe that almost 80% of problems can be easily solved by only focusing on a particular part of a credit report. Here you can find the description of three major credit problems and the fastest way to get rid of them.

There Are Different Fees For This Loan Type - Jaclyn Padillo about Finance and Credit:

You can get the money you need to pay your bills or shopping overnight if you need cash fast.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

What Is Financial Independence

Category: Finance, Credit.

Are you always running short of your funds?

Do you get to pay your bills on time? Do you still have to borrow money sometimes to at least live comfortably? If you answered mostly yes, then you are in danger of being financially unstable. Dont go sulking out there! You cannot afford the things you want and sometimes, even the things you need. You better move your body.

You have to be financially independent. If such is the case, better tell yourself that you cannot afford to be that way always. What is financial independence? There are 7 ways or habits for you to follow to gain financial independence. Financial independence is the capability to determine and support yourself through your own endeavors. With the right attitude and the proper goal in mind, you might just find yourself beaming with pride because of your achievement. Start with a vision.

Keep a focused vision. What is your vision for your life? You want financial independence. Where are you definitely heading? You want to be able to stand on your own and have a more stable and secured life, for yourself and for your family. Hold on to it as you start to realize that vision. Keep that vision in mind.

The choices and decisions you will make in the future will have to head to the direction of your goal. Invest your money wisely. Return to that vision when things get doubtful or tough. Generate income. This will basically come from your jobs income, but dont settle with that. Your income will be the financial foundation of your vision. Aim to increase your income.

Start a business that you feel passionately about and make sure it will work. Invest your time, money and effort into a beneficial enterprise. Think carefully of every detail in your enterprise and work on it. Aim for excellence, quality and integrity to succeed. Do not settle with good enough results. Save up. Allot a percentage of your present income to savings.

Start a fund for your future. Do this at the start of each month, before you go ahead. It will also teach you how to properly budget your money for necessary expenses. This will avoid the enticement to buy, buy, buy. Money in the bank could also earn interest. Just make sure you maintain the money in your savings account.

Although it is not considerable compared to a good investment, it is still a good way to keep money for your future. Avoid touching it unless it is really necessary. Every single cent matters. Give value also to your coins. All of those scattered coins you have there could comprise a few dollars. Spend wisely.

Even if it is considerably small amount, it will still find some use for that. Dont spend all your earnings. Buy only things that you really need. As they say, dont earn to spend. Tighten those belts for now as you bank for a more secured future. Forget the need to show off on other people that you can afford. Choose to live simply.

If you want achieve financial independence, you must hold on to your money as much as possible. Take control of your finances as much as possible. Avoid incurring debts as much as possible. Credit cards for example could hold you locked in a desperate state. Make ends meet in the meantime for later on in life, you will surely afford to be leisurely. You could be getting what you want now through that credit card, but imagine yourself giving the bulk of your income for interest payments!

Keep contingency plans. Have contingencies. You must plan ahead for events in the future. Make certain that your financial assets are secured. Insure your life, even your loved, health and property ones. At this phase, it is a good option to get an insurance policy. Protect your interests whenever you enter into any engagement.

This way, you will have optimal performance and desirable results. Make sure that your endeavor is legal, that you are financially capable, and that it is feasible within your means. You could prevent harmful losses in the long run. Health is wealth. Take care of yourself. The only way for you to achieve your dreams and be able to stand on your own is when you are physically and psychologically able to do so.

Have a healthy diet. Have regular check ups with your physician. Exercise Regularly. Only a good physical standing would allow you to enjoy the fruits of your toils today. Health will be your asset to achieve financial independence. Be Unstoppable.

Do not let yourself be distracted by whimsical desires. You must keep yourself focused to achieve the goal of being financially independent. Do not spray. Every cent and every minute counts as what you do today will have a lot to say on what you will have in the future. Do not procrastinate. Take advantage of every opportunity that will come your way.

Tell yourself, you will not be a loser in this game. Keep yourself confident. You have to make it!


Of Credit, Cards And Credit Card Application - Finance and Credit Articles:

Plastic money" is a term dubbed by the people of the world in reference to the wondrous item called the" credit card. " And at the rate the economy is going and with the pace of life that we have right now we want everything done the express way. Of credit, cards and credit card application.

Some Even Do Give Second Chance Credit - Finance and Credit Blog:

It will be very difficult to qualify for loans or mortgage eve to buy furniture on hire purchase. There are many ways of going about it but it is best not to get there in the first place by respecting a few simple rules about money.

A Bank Credit Card Can Help With These Unforeseen Expenses And It Will Also Help Them To Build Their Credit Score - Malinda Plude about Finance and Credit:

It is important for college students to be able to pay for their tuition, fees and living, books expenses while they are attending post- secondary school. If an emergency occurs and the student needs extra cash, then they need a financial back- up plan.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Debit Card Advantages

Category: Finance, Credit.

With the rise in popularity of credit cards and debit cards, over 40% of offline transactions are now conducted using plastic over cash.

For most, the answer is far from simple, and comes as a result of a number of factors, such as the size of a transaction, the transaction type and your current liquidity. With this set to rise to over 2/ 3 thirds by 2012, the question remains- should I be using a credit card or debit card? With so much to consider, we have prepared this guide to ensure that you are aware of the factors that influence the fundamental choice- debit card v credit card. Should you complete a purchase with your credit card, your credit card company will provide a dispute resolution service should things go wrong. Credit Cards Advantages. They will actually refund you in the interim until they are able to find evidence to suggest either party was correct. If you are unable to finance a purchase, but will have the capital in around 1- 8 weeks, then a credit card could be for you, if you are aware of the costs that you will incur for borrowing.

Strapped for cash? Credit Card Disadvantages. To avoid this, you must only spend with a credit card, what you know that you can afford. The inherent disadvantage in credit cards is that it is all too easy to get yourself in a mountain of debt. Credit card theft and issues relating to this are on the rise. Debit Card Advantages.

Although you may be covered for a large amount of the transaction, this can cause worry and stress to credit card users. You can only spend money you have. Debit Card Disadvantages. With a debit card, you will not be able to spend money that is not available in your bank account, this means that you will never be in red, and therefore the risk of debt spiraling out of control, is less of a worry to you. Should you complete a purchase online and things go wrong, you will have nowhere to go apart from the merchant. If you do not have the cash upfront for a purchase then you may find yourself unable to finance a transaction. That is why it is strongly recommended that a credit card is used for large scale, online purchases.

If you had a credit card then you would be able to do this.


How Do You Know What These Codes Mean - Finance and Credit Articles:

Less than 6% of the population in the United States can brag about having FICO credit scores above 80 It s an elite club.

Friday, August 22, 2008

That Is Not A Solution For Beating Excessive Credit Card Debt

Category: Finance, Credit.

Most people advocate the case of credit cards, quoting the benefits and convenience that arises from them.

The reason being Excessive Credit Card Debt , which is one of the most serious problems faced by the credit card holders and credit card industry. However, there is another group/ line- of- thought that strongly opposes credit cards. However, you can t pull the shutters on the credit card industry just because of a few irresponsible people( or even if it s more than few) . Moreover, you can t overlook the benefits associated with the credit cards. That is not a solution for beating excessive credit card debt. The issue of excessive credit card debt can be looked at from 2 angles. The first method involves increasing awareness of the excessive credit card debt problem to the masses.

First is addressing of the excessive credit card debt problem at the industry level and second is the addressing of the excessive credit card debt problem at the individual s level i. e. at the credit card holder level. This is more or less being done currently too. This means trying to devise a mechanism to nip the problem( of excessive credit card debt) in the bud. However, there should also be an effort to tackle this problem of excessive credit card debt at an even deeper level. This mechanism should actually be a part of the overall system. Case studies should be taken up, statistics gathered and a proper forum formed( with representatives from the credit card holders and from the credit card suppliers) .

A lot of thought needs to go into devising such a mechanism. As of now, the credit card suppliers just seem to be engaged in coming out with new products and getting customers enrolled to those products. Something like attending mandatory seminars on the root causes of excessive credit card debt could be made part of the credit card application process. There is little attention paid towards addressing the problem of excessive credit card debt in the real sense. Another way of dealing with the problem of excessive credit card debt could be: developing a system for calculation of applicable credit card limit at the individual level i. e. no standard/ product- based credit limits. A checklist or a set of questions could be provided to individuals for recognising the first signs of excessive credit card debt. Then there could be mechanisms for proactively warning the users about excessive credit card debt( based on their credit card usage) or even imposition of early restrictions on noticing the first signs that lead to excessive credit card debt At the individual s level, the treatment of the problem of excessive credit card debt would include following of best practices( on credit card usage and avoidance of excessive credit card debt) by the individuals themselves.

So, the problem of excessive credit card debt can surely be dealt with by putting together some serious thinking at a broader level together with discipline at the individual s level.


Credit Card Offers Come In The Mail Everyday - Sonya Felan's Finance and Credit blog:

Credit card offers come in the mail everyday.

A Person Can Consolidate His Credit Card Debts Online Also - Finance and Credit Blog:

Credit card debt is inevitable when we cross our financial limits. Credit card helps us in increasing our purchasing power beyond our income levels and soon becomes a good reason for credit card debt.

All Cards Have Different Terms - Finance and Credit Articles:

The bulk of lending institutions now offer no annual fee credit cards to entice prospective clients.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Credit Card Balance Transfers Math

Category: Finance, Credit.

The balance transfer credit card is one of the starkest examples of how competition benefits the end consumer. In simple terms, if you have good credit, companies are looking to provide the offer, even if they do so at a lower rate of interest.

Consumers with good credit and high credit card usage can use balance transfer credit card to save dollars from a few hundred to much more depending on their credit card usage and the amount of balance transfer. You benefit from low interest and they acquire a valuable customer. Credit Card Balance Transfers Math. So, a balance transfer credit card enables you to transfer your existing balance or even debt to a credit card with low or no interest. A look at the math of a credit card balance transfer will make the situation clearer. Now, your interest on credit card debt runs up to, say$ 1450 dollars a year at an average with your credit card that has an APR of 199% assuming you have a good credit rating.

For instance, suppose you apply for balance transfer credit card from a reputed online vendor. Now the competing credit card company offers you a credit card with a 0% introductory APR for the first 12 months. Now that is math that one can live with! By making a simple balance transfer to your new credit card, you save on one year s credit card interest. Shopping Guide To Balance Transfer Credit Cards. The period of 0% APR is important, how much credit do you expect to use, and correspondingly how much interest will you save from credit card balance transfers during the offer. Initially consider the size of the balance transfers to be made, and correspondingly the amount of financial gain that follows.

Do the balance transfers incur a transaction fee and if so how much? And, be sure to, as always read the fine print. Consider how long the introductory APR lasts and the APR after that in your calculations. You don t want to encounter unexpected costs. Balance Transfer Trivia. The best offer sometimes is not the one with the lowest rate of interest. The best type of balance transfer credit cards are the ones with a 0% rate of interest.

It is possible to transfer your debt to a credit card with a 0% APR, and then retransfer it to another one at the end of the introductory APR period on the existing card. Many companies have begun offering such cards, at an incredible introductory period of up to one year. However this is not a recommended action as it can result in a lower credit rating for you. Most companies offer this system of balance transfer. Credit card balance transfers can be done online. Credit Card Balance Transfers In A Nutshell. Before applying for one look, be sure to look at the fine print.

Substantial savings can result if you get you balance transfer credit card arithmetic right. Good financial sense with credit card balance transfers can make for good finances. If you have spent substantially utilizing" plastic" money, a balance transfer credit card just might make good financial sense for you.


A Flexible Rewards Credit Card Can Earn You Trips On Any Airline With No Blackout Dates - Noemi Vitolo's Finance and Credit blog:

In this day and age, we are always traveling. That is why most major banks and other credit card issuers now offer Airline Credit Cards.

The Credit Report Layout - Finance and Credit Articles:

You might not realize but finding out the best way to read your credit report can actually save you a lot of time and money- it s not even that hard to get started, but there are some basics that you need to get your head around all the numbers, abbreviations and unfamiliar terms before reading your credit report.

The Word Is Credit - Finance and Credit Blog:

Yes, approved! We have reduced the result of a credit transaction to the two previous statements.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

There Are Different Sorts Of Business Credit To Select From

Category: Finance, Credit.

With the help that business credits can bring, lots of businesses can be made better than they are, including mine and probably yours.

I have also seen those people that would have increased their existing businesses if they had the necessary business credit. I am sure you have heard of many people that have very great business ideas but sadly they lack the financial muscle to bring these ideas to reality. The good news is that you can now get the business credit you need for starting your business or even growing it. The business credit needed to finance your business will be dependent on the nature and size of your business. There are different sorts of business credit to select from. Anyone that owns a business can now rejoice because of the many options available as regards business credits. Anyone can acquire these kinds of loans from the private sector providers like the banks.

The small business loans are the kinds of business credit that will be most appropriate for small business owners. Among the many types of business credits, there is far more competition for small business loan than any other. As a result, there are now lots of cheap business credit for business owners and those that are just starting their businesses. This has led to every bank attempting to offer the best interest rates as well as favorable repayments for borrowers. There are other opportunities for business loans like the accounts receivable factoring, the commercial landed property loans, the start- up business credit, the secured and unsecured business loans, the merchant account cash advance business loan, etc. So take the time to learn all you can before going ahead.

There are lots of information to help you decide which business credit to choose. The absolute best place that you should start your search for business credit is on the World Wide Web because many business credit providers are online to choose from. More over, there are now many good sites on the Internet that can give you very good information and the exact business credit facts and figures you need.


When Choosing For The Best Credit Card Offer, It Is Best To Look For One That Has A Low Or 0% APR And No Annual Fees - Finance and Credit Blog:

In today s age of high technology, the Internet has significantly changed the way we do things even how we apply for a credit card.

Seek Out Credit Card Offers - Casandra Hawkins's Finance and Credit blog:

Whether or not you intend to carry a balance on your credit card, choosing the right one matters. Take some time and figure out what will bring you the most benefit.

Document Everything That You Negotiate With The Lenders - Finance and Credit Articles:

As credit card debts pile up, constant calls from lenders start nagging you.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Then Call The Number You Will Find On The Back Of Your Card

Category: Finance, Credit.

Identity theft is fast becoming a very serious crime in the UK. Claiming back your own identity from the thief can be a slow and painful experience, often taking many months to be resolved.

Its repercussions for the individual who has his or her identity stolen can be very serious and frustrating. During this time, you may find it difficult to get a loan or a mortgage, even after the thief has stopped using your identity. The best way to deal with these unscrupulous thieves is to not be caught out by their clever tricks and lose your identity in the first place. The biggest use of identity theft is in the hijacking of credit cards and information used to obtain new cards in the real user s name. A very large percentage of cases of identity theft stemmed from thieves obtaining information from credit cards and related documents. Most of it is common sense, but on the other hand, if you re not prone to being a thief yourself.

It is essential to safeguard your card and the associated paperwork. You will probably never think of the clever moves that these nasty individuals use to get at the information that they need. You may of course have perfect trust in a close member of your family, and they never deliberately do you any harm. The first thing is that you should never allow anyone to borrow your credit card or get access to the card numbers. If you give your sister your card to use one day, will she no all the things to avoid identity theft? This is why it is best never to let anyone else use your card even if your total trust in them. Will she inadvertently give away your information that will then be used by identity thieves.

A lot of credit card fraud can happen simply because you do not keep your eye on your card and who is handling it, and what they are doing with the card. If you are at a restaurant, and the waiter comes over and you give him a card. When handing over your card is very important to try to not let her out of your sight, even for a few seconds. The waiter will go off somewhere out of your sight to process it. This process is performed with a piece of equipment smaller than a cigarette packet, and takes less than a second. This is a very bad idea, once out of your sight is incredibly easy for a waiter or other staff to electronically record all information from your card. If you are going to somewhere like a restaurant, where the card, or a bar may be out of your possession or sight.

Do not give your card to someone who takes it away, out of your sight. Don t use it use it, if you don, use cash t have the cash go to the bar or cashier s desk and make your payment in person. The same can be true in shops, although it is not so much of a problem. Don t wander off while they process, and don, your payment t let your eyes look around the store, the process of, remember stealing your cards information takes less than a second. In normal retail, outlets because you are usually stood with the cashier, do not let the cards out of your sight. Laws governing credit cards in the UK states that transaction receipts should not display your full card number only the last few digits. Do not leave the receipt behind always take them with you.

This is a welcome move by the government, but it is not a 100% guarantee that there will not be information on the receipt that an identity thief can use to their advantage. Credit card applications drop through the letterbox with alarming regularity. It is so simple for the thief to apply for that credit card that you did not want. Each of these application forms is a goldmine for the potential thief. It is easy for him to change the delivery address for the card on the application. If you decide, you do not wish to make an application don t just throw away the paperwork or even rip it up. Make sure to tell your postman, that you want him to push the post all the way through your letterbox.

Make sure shred it, to totally destroy it. Care must still be taken with all online purchases. Using your credit card online can also be a tricky situation, although contrary to popular belief, online transactions are actually safer than the physical transactions with your card. The best option when making purchases online is to use major corporations that are household names. Of course, not all things can be purchased from these types of companies. These are usually online versions of major department stores are highly trusted retailers.

So when performing transactions with an online company that you do not know. The s stands for, if you do, secure not see this on the payment page your information can be read by anybody. You should make absolutely sure that their address( for payments) at the top of your screen begins with HTTPS not the usual HTTP. You should never respond to urgent e- mails from your bank that tells you that there is a problem with your credit card and you need to resolve it is immediately online. Then call the number you will find on the back of your card. Nearly all these e- mails are fraudulent, if you think this may be a genuine communication about your credit card.

Lastly, make absolutely sure that you check through every transaction on your credit card statement. Any transaction that you cannot recall should be considered dubious until you have confirmed the payment with your credit card company. Try to compare them to your actual receipts. You should always check that every transaction is valid. It may also indicate that someone is using a duplicate of your real card, or that your identity has been stolen. It is not only that a few pounds may be lost to credit card fraud.

There is no real reason to be unduly concerned about using a credit card. As long, you follow the very simple and easy rules above it is unlikely that you will have any serious problems with identity theft, involving your credit cards.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

You Re Able To Sit Down, Take Your Time And Read What Each Credit Card Is About

Category: Finance, Credit.

As a university student looking for a credit card, everything is going to be foreign to you at first.

The best thing about applying for a card on the internet is that you re able to read all of the terms and conditions before applying without having someone breathing down your neck while getting that free shirt. Don t worry, it happens to all of us. By now, you ve probably noticed those pesky credit card tents set up on your campus. The World loves free things and this is exactly why these types of systems work. It s quite simple, you sign up and the companies either supply you with a free dinner or an extra large hat that you ll never wear. Let s look at the disadvantages of applying for a credit card for that free t- shirt.

You re going to feel rushed when filling out the application and sometimes, you won t even know the Annual Percentage Rate, which is a horrible thing. When applying, you re not going to be able to know exactly what you re applying for. The nice thing about applying on the internet is that you re able to have choice. So if you re looking for a student credit card, you re able to find a website designed for that niche. Instead of having one credit card company pushing one credit card, you can target a specific group of credit cards. From there, you ll be able to browse each and every card carrier such as MasterCard, etc, VISA.

You re able to sit down, take your time and read what each credit card is about. The great thing about applying online is that you actually have a decision. Every credit card out there offers many rewards such as gasoline rewards, and so much, hotel rewards more. Most of the times you won t receive these rewards if you have horrible credit. Just because you re a college student, this doesn t mean you re going to get these rewards. When you think of the kiosks, you can t really think of perks besides getting that t- shirt.

You re not going to be able to read the terms and they always supply you with a t- shirt that doesn t even fit. Let s face it. So the question is, is it worth it in the end? Further down the road when you have established credit and you know what credit cards are all about then maybe that free hat or t- shirt won t be a horrible idea after all. When applying for your first credit card, especially when you re a student, it s very important that you do your research and find what you re getting yourself into. In the meantime, it s very important that you take the time to either do your research online or ask around your family and friends. This way you ll know exactly what your credit card is all about and you ll feel good in the long run knowing you ve applied for a card that will actually come to good use!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Annual Percentage Rates Differ Depending On The Credit Card Company That Offers It

Category: Finance, Credit.

You have been researching some credit cards, but you may not quite understand some of the terminology that credit card companies use. What is credit card APR anyway, and how will that be charged to me once I get the credit card?

You may also have some questions concerning the APR offer you are given in the credit card advertisements you receive in the mail. First of all, APR stands for Annual Percentage Rate. This, will be an, of course estimate, it will be assuming that you pay all your monthly credit card bills on time, and it may or may not have an expiration date, depending on the credit card company, and your credit, the offer rating. This is what estimates the amount you will be paying in interest each year. The difference between the Annual Percentage Rate and the regular interest rate is that the APR is the interest you pay in a year that compounds monthly. The regular interest rate is just the amount you owe times the original interest rate.

In other words, it is the interest of the initial amount. Since the APR compounds each month, it ends up being more per year than simply the percentage of the whole principle. To be even more confusing, APR is also calculated differently between each company. Annual Percentage Rates differ depending on the credit card company that offers it. The calculations are based on several different factors, and some factors are excluded with one company and included with another. Some of the fees that you are charged are included in the APR. It all depends on what your credit card company's policy is for calculating the APR.

There are some fees that are not allowed to be calculated into the APR, some that are allowed but often are not, and some that usually are charged on the APR. The credit card company will charge you for certain work they have to do when they are handling your account. Here are a few of the charges that ARE included. These fees are based on things that are done on your behalf, like checking your credit, or preparing the documents you need to get a credit card. These fees are usually set at a certain price for everyone, but differ from company to company. These are called discrimination fees. There is another fee generally charged that pays for opening a credit card account.

They charge you this fee in order to take care of the things they must do to get you the credit you applied for. This is called a loan processing fee. An underwriting fee is what you will be charged when they are determining whether you can be approved for the loan you applied for. This pays for any money they spend while deciding whether or not you will be approved and the money it may cost them to lend to you on credit. They will check the information you give them about yourself and the collateral you put up on your credit card, if any.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Secured Bad Credit Credit Cards

People with bad credit or poor credit are often face difficulties in obtaining a credit card. Bad credit problem can be caused due to a number of situations.

The fact is indeed true that their choices are limited when it comes to credit cards but, credit card issuers are increasingly offering financial products that specially cater to bad credit people. The credit card choices available to bad credit people allow them to rebuild their credit history. In this article we take a look at each one of them. Financial products that help bad credit people are prepaid credit cards or debit cards, secured bad credit cards, unsecured bad credit cards. Prepaid or debit cards: These are the easiest option available for bad credit people. All they have to do is to deposit a money and a prepaid card is issued.

There are no verifications, no employment requirements, no credit checks, and the approval is instant. This card has the borrowing or buying capacity equivalent to the funds deposited. Some prepaid card issuers report to various credit rating agencies, thus it helps in rebuilding your credit history. The good thing with prepaid credit card is that it promotes financial discipline. Secured bad credit credit cards. Generally, secured bad credit, offered to homeowners cards help one rebuild his credit history. These credit cards are issued to bad credit people who can offer a collateral.

The interest rates and borrowing limits on these credit cards are good and favorable for bad credit people. As the credit card issuer gains confidence with you it can increase your credit limit. Secured credit cards can also be linked to a savings account in which case it will have a credit limit of some percentage of your savings or money in your account. Again, if you control your finances and spending, repay on time and do not default your credit history will improve. These credit cards have high fees, which makes them a costly proposition to own. Unsecured bad credit credit cards. But, the bad credit people have limited choices.

This is the only option that remains. If a person with bad credit doesn' t have anything to offer as collateral or is unable to buy a prepaid or debit card. However, on a positive note, this unsecured bad credit credit card offers the person a chance to rebuild his credit history. But if they don' t learn lessons from their existing situation and do not improve things will get worse with time and become uncontrollable. So, the options are there for bad credit people to have a credit card.